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Transnational Korean Studies TKS

Upcoming Events

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October 13, 2022: "Chosen" Film Screening with Director Joseph Jung


November 19, 2021: (Virtual) We Didn't Cross the Border, the Border Crossed Us, Twice - Virtual Lecture by Yong Soon Min (YouTube Link)

January 21, 2022: (Virtual) Citizen Not Barbarian with Kyungmi Shin (YouTube Link)

February 11-12, 2022: Challenging the "Normal" in Cold War South Korea and Japan

February 18, 2022: (Virtual) North Korean Microdistrict, As a Sustainable Strategy of Urban Living with Dongwoo Yim (YouTube Link)


April 30 - May 1, 2021: Queering the Straits: Unruly Subjects Across Modern Korea and Japanese Studies Virtual Workshop Series - "Cross-Strait Cultures: Performance, Media, and History"

April 29, 2021Decay, Death and Life: The Quest for Assemblages in the Environmental History of Modern Korea with Albert Park (YouTube Link)

April 23, 2021: One Left Book Talk with Kim Soom

March 5, 2021: Imperatives of Care: Women and Medicine in Colonial Korea with Sonja M. Kim

February 19-20, 2021: Queering the Straits: Unruly Subjects Across Modern Korean and Japanese Studies Virtual Workshop Series: "Remembering the ‘Modern Boy’: Gender, Empire, and Nostalgia"


Thursday, February 6, 2020

Yeonbo Jeong; Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Sungkonghoe University

Bodies for Science and Nation: Reproduction, Bioeconomy, and Nationalism in South Korea

Korea-Pacific Program Webinar Series

May 4, 2020 4:00PM-5:00PM

The Cost of Secrecy: Welfare Effects of the Disclosure of COVID-19 Cases


June 1, 2020 4:00PM-5:00PM

Book Launch: "Queer Korea" 

(flyerVideo Recording



Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Social Hour with Director Jin-kyung Lee
Description: Info/peer-networking session about the Korean Studies Minor. Light refreshments will be served. 4:00pm - 6:00pm Green Table Room, Sun God Lounge, Price Center

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

UCSD-UCLA Korean History Graduate Student Workshop (PDF) (10:00am - 6:00pm Humanities & Social Sciences Bldg (HSS), Room 3027)

Monday, February 4, 2019

Michelle Cho, Assistant Professor, East Asian Popular Culture Studies, University of Toronto “Vicarious Media: Liveness, Serial Affect, and Fan Mediation in K-pop” (PDF) (4:00 - 6:00pm, Red Shoe Room, Sun God Lounge, Price Center West)

Friday, April 26, 2019

Chuyun Oh, PhD, Assistant Professor of Dance History,San Diego State University "Diasporic Youth and Resistance via K-pop Cover Dance" (PDF) (4:00 - 6:00pm, Geisel Library, Seuss Room)

Monday, May 20, 2019

Lecture: Gina Kim, Professor, School of Theater, Film and Television, UC Los Angeles


October 19, 2017

"The Trump Administration and North Korea" (Thursday, October 19, 2017, 5:00pm - 6:30pm, Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine Roth Auditorium) 


Chung-in Moon, Distinguished University Professor, Yonsei University and Special Advisor to President Moon Jae-in for Foreign Affairs and National Security

Stephan Haggard, Director, GPS Korea-Pacific Program

Susan Shirk, Director, GPS 21st Century China Center

November 14, 2017

Immanuel Kim, Assistant Professor, Asian and Asian American Studies, Binghamton University "Defending the Nation in North Korean Comedy Films” (PDF) (Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 4:00pm - 6:00pm, Green Table Room, Sun God Lounge, Price Center)

January 24, 2018

Institute of Arts & Humanities Challenging Conversation Series: "North Korea in the Age of Trump" (PDF). Co-sponsored by Transnational Korean Studies


Martin Hart-Landsberg, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Lewis and Clark College

Hyun Lee, Managing Editor, ZoominKorea

 This Talk Addresses 2 Key Topics:
1) The Need For A New US Foreign Policy Towards North Korea
2) North Korea: Science and Technology as the Path to Economic Progress

 Event Details: Wednesday, January 24, 2017, 5:00 - 7:00pm, Huerta Cruz Room, "Old" Student Center, UC San Diego (map)

February 2, 2018

Jaehwan Hyun, Visiting Graduate Researcher, Society & Genetics, UCLA and PhD Student, History & Philosophy of Science, Seoul National University “Blood Purity and Scientific Independence: Blood Science and Postcolonial Struggles in Korea, 1926–1975” (PDF) (Friday, February 2, 2018, 1:00 – 3:00pm, Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) 3027)

February 7, 2018

Korea-Pacific Program presents "North Korea's Nuclear Program: From an Intelligence Perspective". Co-sponsored by Transnational Korean Studies Program (Wednesday, February 7, 2018, 4:30-6:00pm, GPS Robinson Auditorium)

February 20, 2018

Dafna Zur, Assistant Professor, Korean Literature and Culture, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford University "Figuring Korean Futures: Children's Literature in Modern Korea" (PDF) (Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 4:00pm - 6:00pm, Delores Huerta Vera Cruz Room, "Old" Student Center)

February 28, 2018

Andre Schmid, Associate Professor & Chair, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Toronto "The Gendered Politics of Socialist Consumption in North Korea, 1953-65" (PDF) (Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 4:00pm - 6:00pm, Green Table Room, Sun God Lounge, Price Center)

April 12, 2018

Yong Suk Lee, SK Center Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Deputy Director of the Korea Program, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University "Social Media and Impeachment of the President: Evidence from South Korea" (Thursday, April 12, 2018, GPS, Classroom 3202) Sponsored by GPS's Korea-Pacific Program

May 21, 2018

Benoit Berthelier, Postdoctoral Scholar, Transnational Korean Studies, UC San Diego "Computing Power: The Transnational Politics of Digital Technology in North Korea" (PDF) (Monday May 21, 2018, 4:00 – 6:00pm, Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) 3027) (Invite only)

May 31, 2018

Sonia Ryang, T.T. and W.F. Chao Professor of Asian Studies and Director, Rice University "Thinking about the Truth(s) in North Korea" (PDF) (Thursday May 31, 2018, 4:00 – 6:00pm, Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) 3027)


October 6, 2016

Youngna Kim, Professor Emerita, Department of Archaeology and Art History, Seoul National University, "Daunting Challenges, Dynamic Changes:20th Century Korean Art" (PDF) (Thursday, October 6, 2016, 1:30-3:00pm, SME 149, Presentation Lab)

October 13, 2016

TKS Graduate Student Workshop (PDF) (Thursday, October 13, 2016, 3:00-6:00pm, HSS 4025)

November 6, 2016

Korean Diaspora Film Showcase In association with Pac Arts 2016 Asian Film Festival (November 6, 2016, UltraStar Mission Valley)

January 25, 2017

Hyung Ki Shin, Professor, Korean Literature, Yonsei University and Visiting Scholar, Literature, UC San Diego,"North Korean Literature and the Pitfalls of Sovereignty" (PDF) (Wednesday, January 25, 2017, 4:00 – 6:00pm, HSS 3027) 

February 9 & 10, 2017

Films from the Korean Diaspora Series: Director Jane Jin Kaisen (PDF)

Location: Structural & Materials Engineering Bldg (SME) 149 (map)
Thursday, February 9 - 5:30 - 7:30pm
Lecture: “Translations | Crossings | Specters”
Friday, February 10 - 1:00- 4:30pm
Film Screenings: The Woman, The Orphan, and The Tiger “ & Reiterations of Dissent” 

February 15, 2017

Ingyu Oh, Professor, Hallyu Studies at Korea University, "Understanding the Melancholia Epidemic: The Case of Hallyu (the Korean Wave) Fans" (PDF) (Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 4:00 - 6:00pm, HSS 3027)

February 21  & 22, 2017

Films from the Korean Diaspora Series: Director Heung-Soon Im (PDF)

Tuesday, February 21 - 2:00 - 4:00pm, Seuss Room, Geisel Library (map)
Lecture: “Things That Do Us Part:Belief, Fear, Faith, Betrayal, Love, Hatred, Ghost”
Wednesday, February 22 - 4:00- 7:30pm, SME 149 (map)
Film Screening: "Factory Complex"

March 9, 2017

ArtPower presents the Bereishit Dance Company, a Korean dance company, co-sponsored by the Korean Studies Program. (Thursday, March 9, 2017, 8:00pm, Mandeville Auditorium).

March 13, 2017

Nick Harkness, John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Social Sciences, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, "Discerning the Spirits of South Korean Glossolalia". Hosted by the UC San Diego Department of Anthropology. Co-sponsored by the Transnational Korean Studies Program. (Monday, March 13, 2017, 3:30 - 5:00pm, SSB 107)

April 24, 2017

Minhwa Ahn, Postdoctoral Scholar, Transnational Korean Studies, UC San Diego "(Beyond) Cold War Governmentality and Ecopolitical Cinema on the Korean Peninsula and Its Borders" (PDF) (Monday, April 24, 2017, 4:30 – 6:30, Price Center West Red Shoe Room) 

May 12, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017, 10:00am – 5:00pm, Dolores Huerta - Philip Vera Cruz Room, "Old" Student Center (map)

Guest Speakers:

Harrison Kim, Korea Foundation Assistant Professor of History, University of Missouri
Hyunmi Kim, Ph.D, Cultural Theory, Yonsei University
Minjeong Kim, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, San Diego State University
Kenichi Yasuoka, Associate Professor, Japanese Studies, Osaka University

May 25, 2017

Jin-kyung Park, Professor, Department of Korean Studies, Graduate School of International and Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, ""Interrogating the 'Population Problem' of the Non-Western Empire: Japanese Colonialism, the Korean Peninsula and the Global Geopolitics of Race" (PDF) (Thursday, May 25, 2017, 4:00pm – 6:00pm, HSS 4025)


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Profs. Kim Baek Yung (Associate Professor of Sociology, Kwangwoon University, Seoul; and Visiting Scholar, UC San Diego) and Kate McDonald (Assistant Professor of History, UC-Santa Barbara), "Symposium on Transportation and Mobility in Colonial Korea and the Japanese Empire" (PDF) (2:30-5:00pm, Dolores Huerta - Philip Vera Cruz Room, Student Center)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Film Screening of “A Girl at My Door” (2014; 119 minutes) followed by Q&A with Director July Jung (4:00-7:00pm, Structural and Materials Engineering Building 149) (Event Flyer (PDF))

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Professor Samuel Perry (Associate Professor of East Asian Studies, Brown University), "The Melancholia of Queer Korea: Toward an Anthology of Fiction" (PDF) (4:00-5:30pm, Dolores Huerta - Philip Vera Cruz Room, Student Center)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dr. Layoung Shin (AKS Postdoctoral Fellow/Lecturer in Transnational Korean Studies, UC San Diego) “"The Disappearance of a 'Lesbian Park': Space, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Seoul" (PDF)” (4:00-5:30pm, H&SS 3027, Science Studies Room)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Dr. Jong-sung You (Senior Lecturer, Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University) "Legacies of State Corporation in Korea: Regulatory Capture and Corruption in the Sewol Ferry Tragedy" (PDF) (4:30-6:00pm, GPS Gardner Room)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Prof. Stephan Haggard (Director Korea-Pacific Program, GPS, UC San Diego) "The Prospects for Unification on the Korean Peninsula" (PDF) (4:30pm, GPS Auditorium) 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

North Korea: The Fourth Nuclear Test (PDF) with panel participants: Stephan Haggard (Lawrence and Sallye Krause Professor of Korea-Pacific Studies and director of the Korea-Pacific Program at GPS), Chung-in Moon (Distinguished professor, Yonsei University) and Lynn Turk (Former coordinator for U.S.-Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Affairs in the U.S. Department of State). (5-6:30pm, Map to GPS Robinson Building Complex, Gardner Room

Saturday, January 30, 2016

"Probing Fragments: Contemporary Art and Architecture in South Korea Conference" (PNG) with speakers Director Sunjung Kim (SAMUSO: Space for Contemporary Art), Professor Miwon Kwon (Art History, UCLA ), Artist Yong Soon Min, Curator Jihoi Lee, and South Korean Artist Minouk Lim. (10:30am - 6:00pm, Structural and Mechanical Engineering Building, Visual Arts Presentation Lab (Room 149))

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Professor Younghan Cho (Associate Professor, Korean Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), "Discourses of a Zainichi Korean Athlete in South Korea: Possibilities and Limits for de-colonial and de-Cold War Imagination" (PDF) (4:00 – 6:00pm, Galbraith Room, HSS 4025)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Professor Hyun Ok Park (Associate Professor, Sociology, York University), "The Capitalist Unconscious: From Korean Unification to Transnational Korea" (PDF) (4:30 – 6:30pm, Dolores Huerta - Philip Vera Cruz Room, Student Center)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Professor Ju Hui Judy Han (Assistant Professor, Geography and Planning, University of Toronto), "How Pink Turned Red: Korean Christianity and Queer Geopolitics" (PDF) (4:00 – 6:00pm, Dolores Huerta - Philip Vera Cruz Room, Student Center)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Program in Transnational Korean Studies Minor Outreach Party (PDF) (5:00 – 7:00pm, Seuss Room, Geisel Library)

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Japan-Korea Idenity Clash: East Asian Security and the United States (PDF), Scott Snyder (Senior Fellow, Korea Studies and Director, Program on U.S.-Korea Policy, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)), 12-1:30pm, Dean's Conference Room, Robinson Building Complex, GPS

Korea's National Assembly: Politics Looking Forward (PDF), Moderated by Stephan Haggard (Director, Korean -Pacific Program, GPS), 5-6:30pm, Social Sciences Building, Room 107, UC San Diego

Wednesday, April 20 - Thursday, April 21, 2016

Mannam presents "The 9th Annual Korean Film Festival" (PDF), GPS. For more information, please visit the event's Facebook page.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Professor Jane Park (Honours Coordinator, Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney), "Asia, Imitation, and the Korean Wave" (PDF) (4:00 – 6:00pm, Galbraith Room, HSS 4025)

Monday, May 16, 2016

"K-Pop and Transnational Youth Culture: Undergraduate Research Conference in Transnational Korean Studies" (3:30-6:30pm, Price Center West, Red Shoe Room)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Professor David Roh (Assistant Professor, English, University of Utah), "Kaneshiro Kazuki's /GO/ and the American Racializing of Zainichi Koreans" (Co-sponsored with UC San Diego Literature Department) (4:00 - 6:00pm, Literature 155, Michel DeCerteau Room)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Professor Ellie Choi (Assistant Professor, Modern Korean Literature and Intellectual History, Cornell University), "Seoul and the Emergence of Landscape and Cuisine in Contemporary Korean Media: Across Shifting Borders to Displaced Spectators" (PDF) (4:00 – 6:00pm, Price Center West, Red Shoe Room)


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Dr. Han Sang Kim (AKS Post-Doctoral Lecturer/Fellow in Transnational Korean Studies, UC San Diego) "My Car Modernity: What the U.S. Army brought to South Korean cinematic imagination about modernization" (PDF) (4:30-6pm, Humanities and Social Sciences Room 4025)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Professor Jesook Song (Anthropology, University of Toronto)  "Living on Your Own: Single Women, Rental Housing, and Post-Revolutionary Affect in Contemporary South Korea" (PDF) (5-6:30pm, Humanities and Social Sciences Room 4025)

Thursday, November 13 to Saturday, November 15, 2014

"Remembering Queer Korea: An International Symposium, Film Festival, and Exhibition"

Basic Program (PDF)

Full Program (PDF)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hae Yeon Choo (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto-Mississauga) "Maternal Guardians: Intimate Labor and the Pursuit of Gendered Citizenship among South Korean Volunteers" (PDF)(4:30-6pm, Humanities and Social Sciences 4025)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"If You Don’t Give Up You Can’t Lose / Gureombi, The Wind is Blowing" (PNG) - Film Screening + Q&A (3pm-5pm, ArtSpace at the Cross-Cultural Center, UC San Diego)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Paul Chang (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Harvard University) "The Structure of Protest Cycles: Contagion and Cohesion in South Korea's Democracy Movement" (PDF) (4:30-6pm,Humanities and Social Sciences Room 4025)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Stephen Epstein (Associate Professor, Department of Asian Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) "Us & Them: Korean Indie Rock in a K-Pop World" (PDF) (5:00-6:30pm, Warren Lecture Hall Room 2005)

Thursday and Friday, April 23 and 24, 2015

Korean Film Festival (PDF) (5:15-8:15pm, Robinson Auditorium, IR/PS)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

'Negotiating Denuclearization, Iran and North Korea" (PDF) with Mark Fitzpatrick (International Institute for Strategic Studies), Susan Shirk (UC San Diego), and Stephan Haggard (UC San Diego).


October 23, 2013

Jongjoo Lee (Ministry of Unification and Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Washington D.C.): “Trustpolitik: A Way Forward on the Korean Peninsula?” (3-4:30pm; IR/PS Dean's Conference Room)

Since her inauguration, President Park Geun-hye has advanced the idea of “trustpolitik”: a process for re-engaging North Korea. This process saw setbacks in the early part of the year in the wake of the satellite launch and third nuclear test, but relations appeared to improve with the reopening of the Kaesong Industrial Complex. The administration has now issued a new document outlining its Trustpolitik strategy. Given the stalemate in the Six Party Talks, does it offer a way forward on the Korean peninsula?

November 13, 2013

Professors Jong-Sung You and Stephan Haggard: "Freedom of Expression in South Korea" (12:30-1:30pm; IR/PS 1328)

January 16, 2014

Transnational Korean Studies Program Launch Reception and Film Event (JPG) (5-8 PM; Robinson Building Complex, Room 3201 at IR/PS)

January 22, 2014

Professor Sohn Hak-Kyu* (Pacific Leadership Fellow at IR/PS) (5pm, Sanford Consortium)

*Professor Hak-Kyu is a former governor of Gyeonggi-do (largest province in South Korea, with 12 million population), chairman of the Democratic Party (main liberal opposition), and four-term congressman.

January 23, 2014

Professor Kim Dong-Choon* (Sociology, Sungkonghoe University): "An Assessment on the Truth and Reconciliation, Republic of Korea" (4-5:30 PM, Huerta-Vera Cruz Room, Student Center)

*Professor Kim served as the Standing Commissioner of South Korea's Truth and Reconciliation Committee from its establishment in 2005 until 2009.

January 30, 2014

Professor Adam Johnson* (English, Stanford University): "The Human Consequences of Totalitarianism" (5-7 PM, IR/PS Auditorium)

*Professor Johnson won the Pulitzer Prize in fiction for his 2012 novel, The Orphan Master’s Son.

February 10, 2014

"Understanding the Situation in North Korea" with Professor Stephan Haggard (Graduate School of International Relations/Pacific Studies) (7pm, The Great Hall, I-House)

February 13, 2014

Professor Emeritus Chang-hyun Cho* (Hanyang University): "South Korea's Experience of Government Innovation, Past & Present" (12:30-1:30 PM, IR/PS Robinson Building Complex, Room 1201)

*Professor Emeritus Chang-hyun Cho at Hanyang University, former chair of the Presidential Commission on Government Innovation in South Korea, will reflect on his experiences in the Korean government in the context of the government innovation from 1998 through 2013.

February 20, 2014

Professor Jong-sung You (UC San Diego Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies) "The Origin of the Developmental State in South Korea: A Reexamination of Park Chung-Hee Myth" (7pm, IR/PS Robinson Building Complex, Room 3201)

February 24, 2014

Transnational Korean Studies Program Launch Symposium (PDF): "Cultures of Hot War Korea"(12:45-5pm, Huerta-Vera Cruz Room, Student Center)

Speakers Include:

Katherine H.S. Moon (Wellesley College, Political Science): "Remembering War and Militarizing Life: The Korean Peninsula"                
Heonik Kwon (Anthropology, Cambridge): "Guilty by Association: The Political Life of Kinship after the Korean War"                          
Christina Klein (English, Boston College): "Cold War Cosmopolitanism"

April 8, 2014

Bruce Cumings* (History, University of Chicago) "Not War/Not Peace: The Korean Armistice Under a Nuclear Shadow" (PDF) (4-5:30pm, H&SS Room 4025)

*Professor Cumings won the John King Fairbank Book Award of the American Historical Association for his first book “The Origins of the Korean War”, and the second volume of this study won the Quincy Wright Book Award of the International Studies Association.

April 30, 2014

Associate Professor Steven Lee (History, University of British Columbia, Vancouver): "The United National Civil Assistance Command and Wartime Korea, 1950-1953" (PDF) (2-3:30pm, H&SS Room 4025)

May 5, 2014

Double Book Launch Reception (PDF) for Professor Todd A. Henry (History) and Professor Jong-sung You (IR/PS)(2-3:30pm, UC San Diego Faculty Club)

May 12, 2014

Professor Kyu Ho Youm (Jonathan Marshall First Amendment Chair Professor, School of Journalism & Communication, University of Oregon): "Freedom of the Press and Related Issues in South Korea" (DOCX)  (3:30-5 PM; Gardner Room at IR/PS)May 5, 2014

May 27, 2014

Gamin (PDF) - piri (cylindrical bamboo double reed), taepyeongso (conical double reed) and saenghwang (mouth organ with seventeen bamboo pipes) performer. (4-6pm; CMPC - Music Building - Recital Hall)


October 29, 2012

“Ecological Exceptionalism at the Border: The Nature of the Korean Demilitarized Zone” (PDF) (Kim, Eleana, Univeristy of Rochester)

November 10, 2012

"Misrecognition, Disrecognition, Recognition: The Case of Zainichi (Koreans in Japan)" (PDF), by John Lie.

November 17, 2012

"Japanophone Literature from Colonial Korea: Yi Kwang-Su's and Kim Sa-Ryang's Work," (PDF) by Naoki Watanabe.

January 26, 2013

"The Future of South Korea and the United States in Times of Uncertainty," (PDF) by Dr. Un-Chan Chung.

January 31, 2013

"The Intellectual Property Market in Asia," (PDF) by Edward Jung.

March 3, 2013

"One Alliance, Two Lenses: U.S.-Korea Relations in a New Era" (PDF), by Dr. Gi-Wook Shin.

April 11, 2013

"Perspectives of Doing Business in North Korea," (PDF) by Dr. Tony Michell.


November 2, 2012

"What is the K in K-Pop?" (PDF) by John Lie.

November 17, 2011

“Korean Writer's Japanophone Literature from Colonial Korea: Yi Kwang-Su's and Kim Sa-Ryang's Work” (Watanabe Naoki, Musashino University, Tokyo, and UC San Diego)

April 26, 2012

“Building Leisure our of National Trauma: Tourism and Consumption along the Korean Demilitarized Zone” (PDF) (Suk-Young Kim, University of California-Santa Barbara)

May 4, 2012

“Flog the Husband to Feed the Children, The Hŭnbo Manura's Song: A Transnational Interpretive P’ansori adapted from P’ansori Song of Hŭngbo” (PDF) (Chan E. Park, Ohio State University)

May 10, 2012

“Mothering Disability in the Midst of the Compulsion and Prohibition of Reproduction” (Eunjung Kim, University of Wisconsin-Madison)


October 11, 2010

“Reflections on the Intimate University: Korean American Students and the Problem of Segregation” (Nancy Abelmann, University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign)

November 10, 2010

“Misrecognition, Disrecognition, Recognition: The Case of Zainichi (Koreans in Japan)” (John Lie, University of California-Berkeley)

November 18, 2010

“US Military Bases and the Politics of Gender, Sexuality, Race, and Class: A Comparative Study of South Korea and Okinawa” (PDF) (Seungsook Moon, Vassar College)

January 28, 2011

“Women's Work during the Pacific War: The Labor Volunteer Corps in Late-Colonial Korea, 1937-1945” (PDF) (Jance C.H. Kim, York University)

March 4, 2011

“Faceless Things: South Korean Gay Men, Internet, and Sexual Citizenship” (PDF) (John [Song Pae] Cho, University of California-Berkeley)